Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Third Child

Poor Braden.
Total third child syndrome. Braden is 7 weeks old today. His first smile was at his sister and father three weeks ago. Is the date in his baby book yet? Have we mentioned it on the blog? Have we even documented it with a picture? Well, finally I can say yes to the last two. . . three weeks later!
In the past three weeks, he has been sleeping, hanging in the Bjorn, having playtime on the blanket,
attending sugar on snow parties, doing jammie time with his siblings,
hiking, visiting relatives, celebrating his first St. Patrick's Day,
and growing like a weed.
Also, he has been smiling and laughing. Because he is such a mello, laid back guy, who is barely ever awake, and totally overshadowed by his attention seeking siblings, we hadn't even attempted a picture of him smiling. Finally, as of last night, we tried and successfully captured the smile on camera. Three weeks later. Poor third child . . .

1 comment:

Lindy Johnson said...

As a third child I understand! He sure is cute. Have a great Easter.