Sunday, June 28, 2009

Best Father's Day Yet

Father's Day 2009 (this post is out of order!) was the best ever. Patrick is the thankful father to 3 beautiful kids: Tegan Shea, Finnegan Patrick, and Braden Charles.
Cristin was up before 5 am to began building a fire in our outdoor fireplace (in the drizzling morning rain!) so that when breakfast time rolled around the hot coals were perfect for a pancake, bacon, and eggs breakfast!
Finnegan was a big helper (taste-tester).
Tegan helped set the table and the rain ended for an amazing outdoor breakfast.
Patrick was getting hugs all morning (while Braden continued to sleep in).
Time to eat!
After breakfast, it was time to put out the fire. The cup of water and the toy fire extinguisher just weren't cutting it...
So they brought in the big guns!
Oh, and the night before (after enjoying hot dogs from the fireplace), Tegan built a beautiful home for the local fairies right near the fireplace!

Braden's 1st Camping Trip

Despite the severe thunderstorm warning for Friday night (which amounted to some distant rumbling and rain), we took the family camping with three other families. Braden is the youngest O'Donnell (at 4 months) to experience one of our favorite summer activities. Looking back at our camping journal, Tegan was 8 months on her first camping trip and Finn was 11 months. Well technically, we camped when Tegan was still in the belly, and last summer exactly one year ago this weekend we were camping when we announced the news of a new baby in Mommy's belly to Tegan and Finn at this same campground. Braden made a great camper - slept well whether in our arms, a carrier, or the tent and never complained once!
All the kids had such a great time hanging out together - they were busy digging, being "woodsmen" chopping down (hitting) trees with sticks, playing hide and seek, swimming in the rain, hanging around the campsite, and enjoying the large playground.
As for swimming, despite the drops of rain to add atmosphere, Braden went in for the first time. He loved it!
Smart guys - a little shelter from the rain!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tegan & Finn have their 1st track meet

Today's track meet put on by the local running club included preschoolers (both Tegan & Finn) up through 6th graders today at Montpelier High School. They had a blast! Here they are in line for the long jump at the start of the day.
Tegan lands beautifully (Patrick realizes his photo-timing is off!)
Ok, Finn's got stiff competition, but he's not afraid.
Look at him fly!
Tegan is 3rd from the right rounding the 2nd corner in the 1/4 mile race.
She finished 3rd and was so tired, but so happy!
Finn ran an amazing 1/4 mile race, too. He ran consistently the whole way and was passing bigger boys left and right.
Rounding the last turn.
Post race fatigue...they were a little stunned to have just run so far, so fast!
Great form in the softball throw Tegan!
Checking out the races, waiting for the 100 yard dash finals.
Tegan and Ella walking to the start of their 100.
Tegan looking strong and determined!
Finnegan looking great!
Ella, Tegan, Finn, and Pasqual show off their new t-shirts and medals....
Yeah, they're all number 1.
By the way, Braden slept soundly the entire time in the bjorn which Cristin wore...(reminder: more pictures of the spectators next time).

**Life has come full circle - our kids' first track meet was at the very same track where Cristin & I first met during our high school track practices 16 years ago!! Pretty cool.

One fine spring evening after dinner.

Braden loves his exer-saucer...
Look at these strong legs.
Then we went outside and ran around the yard...

A woodpile pose.
The hills are alive...
Hiding on Mommy.

Helping Grandpa in the garden...

Our field and house - from the edge of our property.
Vermont is GREEN!