Tegan sat with Braden for over an hour just snuggling...they were both so happy.

Dinner time - Braden's got a spot in his bouncy seat between the big kids.

Kisses from a proud big brother, Finn.

Nap time - Cristin, Braden and Cabot.

Getting ready for our first walk...

It was chilly but the sun was shining bright!

"I think I'm starting to get the hang of life on the outside."

Braden's downstairs changing table is also Cabot's new favorite napping spot (yes, we take her off before he gets changed).

Happy parents...

Visit from the Whitney's - Emma didn't spend much time without Braden in her arms!

We love this guy!

Cristin's first time holding Braden in the Bjorn outside after the big snowstorm.

Mountain climbers making their way to the top of the huge snowbank in our driveway. So much fun!

Patrick riding the snowdeck - Burton's skateboard-size snowboard, perfect for backyard snowbanks.

Back inside - still asleep.

Braden slept through the whole winter adventure.

Snug as can be...

Hi! Great pictures! We loved meeting Braden and your entire family is just precious! We miss that little guy already! I do recognize 2 of the outfits I think. The padded blue overalls with cow jumping over the moon and the orange striped sleeper? Do you guys need anything else winterish? Love you! Mof
So awesome -- thanks for posting the pics.
If Declan were there, I'm guessing he could have awakened young Braden during the winter adventure with a few choice shovelfuls of snow...
Hopefully we can meet Braden this weekend. Quite a big adjustment now that we're back from Florida. Feel free to come visit the chickens. I'm sure they miss you.
Love, Aunt Lindy
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