A very successful lemonade stand one Sunday morning. All the cyclists riding by the house were great customers!

Braden looking like he's in a catalog but really he's relaxing on the shores of Lake Champlain.

Cristin and Finnegan find some quiet time.

Some of our chickens going to town on half a watermelon.

Patrick, Tegan and Finn riding the Keene's jet ski on Joe's Pond.

A sample of the goods from our garden.

Finn at Thunder Road, watching the very fast race cars...go Dave P!

The kids with Lexi, their awesome babysitter for the summer.

Patrick prepares the fish he caught in Lake Champlain for breakfast.

A rare family portrait in our backyard.

Braden's first haircut...just a trim please!

Tegan's so proud of her brother for graduating pre-school.

Tegan's first day of 1st grade!

Cristin took the boys up to the top of Mt. Mansfield (via gondola) and then hiked around a bit on the morning of Finn's birthday.

Braden loving the moment with his Papa and Grandpa.

Finn's first day of kindergarten.

Braden on his trike.

A mellow moment between the boys.

Chillin' out on the rock wall.

From left to right: George, Bob (or Ray), Ray (or Bob), Goldalicious, Oscelot, and Pirate. The kids came up with the names. And yes, they are all girls.